Request for quote (RFQ)

At The Gem Bazaar, we understand that sometimes what you’re looking for isn't sitting right on the shelf, waiting for you to find it. Thereby, we offer a unique service tailored just for you: Custom Orders or RFQ (Request for Quote). With our service, you can customize your order and have it spread among sellers on our platform. We'll then gather the perfect quote for you to finalize your order.

Custom gemstone & jewelry service

Custom gemstone & jewelry service

Have you ever had a dream piece of jewelry in your mind, something so unique and personal that you've never seen it anywhere else? Or perhaps, you're looking for a gemstone of a very specific size, cut, or color that seems impossible to find. That’s where we come in with our special offering - Custom gemstone requests. Customize your gems at the best price, making your unique vision a tangible reality. This service allows you to reach out to us with your specific needs, no matter how detailed or unique they may be.

Custom gemstone consultation offered

Here’s how it works: You let us know exactly what you're looking for. Maybe it's a sapphire in a particular shade of blue that reminds you of the ocean on a summer day, or a diamond cut in a way that captures light like nothing else. You tell us the size, the cut, the color – all the details that matter to you. And then, we get to work.

Gateway to global market triumph

Discover global opportunities and expand your reach with our marketplace. Connect, sell, and grow your business beyond borders.

Maximize sales with our expertise

Benefit from our 25+ years of expertise in online sales. Experience unparalleled service and results with our seasoned team.

Always accessible for support locally

Based in Jaipur too, we're always nearby and ready to help. Feel free to reach out anytime for assistance and support.

Facilitating custom gems at fair prices

Our team at The Gem Bazaar has access to a vast network of verified vendors, craftsmen, and gemstone suppliers. What we do is pretty straightforward but also quite remarkable – we take your custom request and bring it to these experts. We discuss, negotiate, and do everything in our power to find not just what you asked for, but also at a reasonable price. We believe in fair pricing, and part of our mission is to ensure you're getting the best value for your unique request.

Facilitating custom gems at fair prices

Customizing dreams, surpassing expectations together

It’s important to us that you feel heard and understood. That’s why we’re not just about pushing sales or sticking to what’s available. We're about making dreams come true. Your dream piece of jewelry or that one-in-a-million gemstone is out there, and we’re here to help you find it.

Personalize desires, exact fulfillment service

Personalize desires, exact fulfillment service

Why settle for something close to what you want, when you can have exactly what you want? With The Gem Bazaar’s RFQ service, you're not just another customer; you're an individual with a unique desire, and we’re here to fulfill that with a personal touch and dedication.

send your request now

*Please specify all details clearly; quantity, quality, deadline, budget, preferences. More information enables quicker, more accurate responses.

Custom Order Request

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